Firstly we have make difference between ''competence'' and ''performance''
competence: capacity
performance: usage
- competence is more greater than performance
1) GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE: Understanding the skills and knowledge necessary to speak write accurately. Grammatical competence includes:
-word formation
-sentence formation
2) SOCIOLINGUISTIC COMPETENCE: Knowing how to produce and understand the language in different sociolinguistic context, taking into consideration such factors as:
-the status of the participants
-the purpose of the interaction
-the norms or convention of the interaction.
3)DISCOURSE COMPETENCE: The ability to combine and connect utterances (spoken) and sentences (written) into a meaningful whole. Discourse ranges from a simple spoken conversation to long written texts.
4)STRATEGIC COMPETENCE: The use of both verbal and non verbal language to meet communicative goals. Speakers use strategic competence to:
-compensate for breakdowns in communication, example; the speaker is forced to paraphrase or gesture when he she doesn't know a term and convey the idea.
-make communication more effective; example a speaker raises or lowers the voice for effect.
Chomsky(1965): competence is mental representations of linguistic rules that constitute grammar.
This internal grammar is implicit rather than explicit. It is evident in the intuitions about the grammatically of sentences.
-performance S the use of this grammar in the comprehension and production of the language.
-communicative competence enables the speaker to convey and interpret messages and to negotiate meanings interpersonally within specific contexts.
-language occurs in social interaction. It is used for a purpose such as persuading,commanding, and establishing social relationship.
-instead of specific knowledge of grammatical forms the competent speaker knows when where and how to use language appropriately.
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